Affordable Housing & Making Home Ownership Achievable in Longmont

Access to affordable and attainable housing is the core challenge facing our community. As the former Vice-Chair of Longmont’s Housing and Human Services Advisory Board, Jake understands the positive impacts affordable housing efforts have had, and is ready to build on them. He will push for policies that prioritize affordable (low-income) and attainable (workforce) housing to prevent displacement and support working families.

He’ll vote to reduce the cost of housing by increasing the 12% mandate of the city’s inclusionary housing ordinance to 15%, putting Longmont in line with other communities in our region.

At the same time, he’ll ensure that the city is making the dream of homeownership more attainable for our workforce. He’ll work to rebalance the fee-in-lieu system that lets developers pay a fee instead of building affordable homes so that developers are incentivized to construct for-sale units, rather than the large number of rental apartments we’ve seen approved and developed in the last several years. 

Additionally, Jake will push to stop big corporations from buying up houses in Longmont, which drives up prices and shuts out local homebuyers. Longmont families should have the first shot at living and thriving in our community—not out-of-state investors.


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